45 research outputs found

    Graduation Profile Mapping: A Study of Bibliometric Analysis of the Curriculum

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    Mapping is very necessary in making the right decision based on the scientific mapping of each. This is very useful in mapping graduate profile relationships. The aim of the study was to map elective courses in the curriculum of the Information Systems Study Program at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra based on bibliometric analysis. The research process is carried out by analyzing graduate profiles, then the analysis process uses the publish or perish application with google scholar study sources. The results of the analysis are then processed using the Mendeley application to filter the details of each source and finally using the VoS Viewer application to visualize the mapping results


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    Abstract - This research is done because the processing of archiving is still done manually, this is very difficult and slow in searching if needed. Archiving a few months or even years ago will certainly be difficult to find because of the accumulation of files or because the archive has been damaged. The difficulty and complexity can be overcome by using WEB-based and MySql databases to manage archives. Management utilizing WEB-based and MySql databases are no longer in the form of archive sheets but have been in the form of scanned files from the original archive. The scanned archive will be stored with certain codes to make it easier to search so that the archives that came in a few months or even years ago are undamaged and easy to find. Keywords - Archiving, Analysis, The Batu Bara Regenc

    Implementation of the First Come First Served Algorithm in the Futsal Field Booking Application using Extreme Programming

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    This research is related to the development of an Android-based futsal field booking application at Laut Dendang Futsal using the First Come First Serve (FCFS) method. Currently, tenants are facing problems with booking futsal fields, especially because the booking process is still manual and time consuming at Laut Dendang Futsal. Ordering systems that do not use information technology cause customers to have to visit the location directly to order the field. The FCFS method is applied to arrange a futsal field booking schedule based on order of arrival, where requests that arrive first will be served first. This research builds an Android-based application with the aim of increasing efficiency in booking management and futsal field scheduling. The development approach used is the Extreme Programming method, which includes planning, design, coding and continuous testing. The results of application development show good performance in minimizing ordering errors and making it easy for Laut Dendang Futsal customers to order fields without having to come directly to the location. Admin can easily manage and record orders, avoiding errors in the ordering system. Thus, this research makes a positive contribution in increasing the efficiency of booking futsal fields, as well as speeding up responses to incidents


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    Pengolahan data siswa yang efektif dan efesien merupakan syarat wajib agar kegiatan belajar dan mengajar berjalan lancar. Begitu juga dengan SMK Islam Binda Khalifah Bangsa Kota Metro. Permasalahan yang ditemui selama melakukan penelitian, yaitu Pengolahan data siswa di SMK Islam Bina Khalifah Bangsa masih menggunakan Ms. Excel, dalam pengolahan data tersebut masih kurang optimal karena dalam penginputan data siswa masih memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Kemudian ditemukan permasalahan pada pembuatan laporan data siswa yang masih dalam berupa kertas/arsip data dari tahun sebelumnya, sehingga pembuatan laporan sering terjadi keterlambatan. Pelayanan yang masih menggunakan proses manual maka akan menimbulkan lambatnya kinerja pada pelayanan siswa pada SMK Islam Bina Khalifah Bangsa Metro. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan pada SMK Islam Bina Khalifah Bangsa Metro adalah untuk membuat aplikasi pengolahan data siswa mulai dari penginputan data siswa sampai dengan menghasilkan keluaran berupa laporan-laporan data pada SMK Islam Bina Khalifah Bangsa Metro. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu metode berdasarkan jenis penelitian (Applied Research) dan teknik pengumpulan data pengamatan (observasi), wawancara (interview), dokumentasi (documentation) dan studi kepustakaan (library research). Aplikasi dirancang menggunakan pendekatan pemrograman terstruktur yang berbasis desktop. Metode pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dengan teknik pengujian aplikasi menggunakan teknik Black Box Testing. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah Borland Delphi 7.0 dan database yang digunakan adalah Microsoft acces. Alat pengembangan sistem yang digunakan antara lain flowchart, diagram konteks, dfd, erd, dan flowchart. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebuah Aplikasi Pengolahan data  pada SMK Islam Bina Khalifah Bangsa Metro Berbasis Desktop


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    Abstract - This research was conducted to create a cryptographic implementation of vigenere ciphers. This system is designed by analyzing the descriptive method, and the comparative method. After analysis, modeling is done with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and the design of vigenere cipher cryptography system with text encryption and decryption can be programmed using PHP software. The results of this study are an implementation of the vigenere cipher cryptographic system with PHP. Keywords - Cryptography, Vigenere Cipher, Encryption - Decryption, Text, PHP

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Matakuliah Pilihan pada Kurikulum Berbasis KKNI Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno

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    Pengambilan Keputusan merupakan proses pemilihan alternatif tindakan untuk mencapai tujuan atau sasaran tertentu. Pengambilan keputusan menentukan matakuliah pilihan pada kurikulum berbasis kkni dilakukan dengan pendekatan sistematis terhadap permasalahan melalui proses pengumpulan data menjadi informasi serta ditambah dengan faktor-faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Pada suatu proses pengambilan keputusan, para pengambil keputusan seringkali dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang bersumber dari beragamnya kriteria. Sebagai contoh praktis, menentukan matakuliah pilihan berbasis KKNI sering menghadapi kesulitan dalam menentukan prioritas dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan kebijakan terhadap pemilihan matakuliah. Sehingga sistem pendukung keputusan dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, dipadukan dengan metode Fuzzy Sugeno didalam sistem tersebut, maka keduanya dapat saling berintegrasi, sehingga mampu menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.Kata kunci : Fuzzy Sugeno, SPK, Matakuliah Pilihan, Kurikulum Berbasis KKN

    The Effect of Augmented Reality on Glasses Purchasing Decisions Using the Structural Equation Model Method

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    Development of information technology in the business sector can be seen with many business people marketing the sale of their services or products by utilizing social media platforms and also e-commerce because it can make it easier for buyers to get the desired information anywhere and anytime. The optimization of social media and e-commerce has been implemented by Fifan Glasses Store to sell their products. Generally, buyers will try on the frames one by one until they decide to buy them. But, online buyers cannot try on the frames and can only see the frames based on the pictures in the catalog provided by Fifan Glasses Store. For this reason, an Android-based Augmented Reality eyeglass frame application will be built at Fifan Glasses Store. The purpose of building this application is to facilitate online buyers in trying on the frames that have been provided and minimize the occurrence of damage to eyeglass frames by prospective buyers. This research uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method in building the application and this research will also analyze the effect of the application of Augmented Reality glasses frames using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The final results of the analysis of the effect of Augmented Reality on eyeglass frames by testing the outermodel, inner model, and hypothesis show that Augmented Reality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions for glasses at Fifan Glasses Store

    SIPENMA: Pemodelan UML dan Uji BlackBox pada Perancangan Sistem Pendaftaran Magang

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    North Sumatra Ministry of Industry and Trade is a government agency as the executor of regional government affairs which has the task of decentralization and deconcentration, especially in the industrial and trade fields as well as other auxiliary tasks assigned by the governor. In this agency internship acceptance activity still uses manual method, to overcome this problem, an internship registration system is needed to make it easier to register for internships. This study uses the waterfall method, UML, and testing using Blackbox. The result of this study is design of the internship registration system (SIPENMA) which makes it easy to register for internships via the web and can be accessed at any time. Keywords: SIPENMA, UML, Blackbox, Waterfall


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    ABSTRAK Karya Ilmiah merupakan hal tahap akhir yang harus dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk mendapat kelulusan. Pada saat sekarang mahasiswa diharuskan memuat karya ilmiah dalam digital. Sehingga besar kemungkinan apabila mahasiswa membuat suatu karya ilmiah memiliki similarity yang besar dan mengakibatkan plagiarisme. Untuk mendukung proses pengajuan karya ilmiah diperlukan suatu sistem dalam manajemen karya ilmiah yang sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku pada universitas. Dalam pengembangan sistem tersebut digunakan metode Rapid Appplication Development (RAD)yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan kebutuhan, desain sistem, kontruksi dan outcover,digunakan pemodelan data Unified Modeling Language (UML) pada tahap desain sistem dari metode RAD. SIMANIS ini dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa dalam pengajuan karya ilmiah tanpa harus bertatap muka oleh koordintar karya ilmiah dan mengetahui hasil similarity karya ilmiah tersebut. Oleh sebab ituSIMANISini dibangun dengan fasilitas informasi hasil cek similarity. Kata kunci : SIMANIS, Karya Ilmiah, Similarity, RAD, UM

    Decision Support System for Selecting Rescuer Candidates for Basarnas Special Group Using SMART And BORDA

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    The National Search and Rescue Agency (also known as BASARNAS) is a government agency responsible for offering search and rescue services in the event of an accident or disaster. At BASARNAS there is a special team, the BASARNAS Special Group (BSG). BSG performs rescues during national and international disasters or accidents. BSG itself consists of selected people, namely BSG candidates from all search and rescue office rescuers in Indonesia. BSG candidates themselves are still calculated manually so that it can affect the time efficiency of SAR personnel in making selections, this research was conducted at the Medan Class A Search and Rescue Office. To ensure that BSG candidates are accurate and processed quickly, a decision support system is needed. This time the researchers utilized the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) and BORDA methods to determine BSG candidates. With the criteria used, namely fitness (K1), physical health (K2), mental health (K3) and creativity (K4). Then the alternatives used are 25 alternatives which include 20 skilled rescuers and 5 beginner rescuers. and the results can be saved in the form of a PDF file. The results of calculations using the SMART and BORDA methods found that among skilled rescuers, Rescuer-T15 is a suitable candidate to become a BSG candidate by obtaining a total score of 6049.25 and among novice rescuers, Rescuer-P5 obtained the highest score of 756.00